Zuiho Taiko
Listen to your soul
Feel the vibration
Zuiho Taiko
the sound of spirit
Join Us
Zuiho Taiko
2504 Kobe Koh, Mizuho, Unzen, Nagasaki 859-1215 Japan
Japanese: 81 (0)957 77 3934
English: 81(0)90 1638 6779
Fax: 81-(0)957-77-2227
e-mail: zuihou@airinkai.or.jp
URL: http://www.zuiho-taiko.jp/
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Supporters' Community
Zuiho Taiko has supporters' club. There is no members' fee or obligation what so ever. Just say you support Zuiho Taiko and tell others about Zuiho Taiko. We welcome your comments as well. Scroll down for a form below.
Here are some of Supporters' Voices
age 17, female, Japan:
I was diagnosed as "learning disability"at the age of 13 and really shocked. Since then it became my excuse not to try many things I wanted to do. But when I heard Zuiho Taiko, I decided to do everything I want to do just like them enjoying Taiko. Having disabilities is not something to be shameful about nor excuses for not trying.
age 18, male, Japan:
I didn't know that the intellectually disabled can live their life fully into adulthood. I was discriminating against them because of their intellectual disabilities. I was so wrong. Zuiho Taiko taught me.
age in 50's, female, Japan:
When I heard Zuiho Taiko for the first time a few years ago, I cried. Zuiho Taiko always reminds me to be myself. Thank you for lifting us up!
age in 30's, male, Japan:
Zuiho Taiko makes you aware that you must respond to your inner being and not to environment. When you take full responsibilities of your life, you are truly in control of everything. Because I work with juvenile delinquent kids who were brought up the worst conditions, I know experiencing Zuiho Taiko is extremely helpful for their rehabilitation process.
age in 30's, female, Japan:
Their skills and power, how awesome! Must be a world-class level. That's why I think their narratives about their life stories such as how difficult their life was are unnecessary on a stage. They can win without it.
age in 50's, male, USA:
Great job. Keep hope alive. We are one family.
age in 30's, male, USA:
Excellent. Very inspirational and entertaining.
age in 40's, male, USA:
It was very clear to me from the outset that this troupe is more than the one who received many prizes both in Japan and around the world, more than the disabled who deserve their respect. Feeling in my chest for something awesome and inspiring. Exceptionally well done.